Insights / blog

August 1, 2022

Bulk nominations feature up-date. August 2022.

We are really excited to be able to share this update to be released in the coming days. 

We have listened to our client feedback and we have developed the ability to bulk nominate, saving you valuable time. 

Step 1:

The bulk nomination for tickets can be actioned from plot level by choosing the new multi-select checkboxes. These checkboxes can be found in the tickets tab, on the left-hand side of the ticket number (see below). 

Step 2:

Once you have selected the tickets, click onto the ‘Bulk Actions’ button, then choose either ‘Nominate Contractor’ or ‘Nominate Team Member’. 

Step 3:

Simply choose from your list of Contractors or Team Members which one you would like to nominate, and send.

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