Insights / blog

October 17, 2023

North East construction companies collaborate to improve defect management

Sunderland based technology company, clixifix® have partnered with Stockton-on-Tees house builders, Mode Homes to help improve their digital defect management processes.

clixifix® are a PropTech and ConTech business that specialise in delivering efficient defect management and repair services for the construction sector. As an ambitious growing company Mode Homes required the services of clixifix® to streamline their defect and repair management as well as improving their communication with clients and contractors.

Paul Devine of Mode Homes describes the importance of not only implementing clixifix® but the fact they are a local North East business, “As a North East based housing developer, Mode Homes are keen to work with other local partners as we truly believe this leads to excellent communication and increased levels of support.

“We are passionate and relentless in our ambition to provide high quality homes which exceed customer expectations, we firmly believe that clixifix® will enable us to achieve the highest levels of customer satisfaction which will enhance our reputation as a trusted housing developer.”

Paul continues to explain how he plans to fully utilise the benefits of clixifix®, “We are keen to utilise many of the functions of clixifix® but the key features for us initially are the ability to capture and store product information and manuals to allow easy access for clients. The defect and repair management tool will streamline time consuming and inefficient paper based systems. The live activity feed function will provide real-time data that will dramatically improve our communication and speed up the resolution of defects – to the benefit of the clients.”

James Farrell, CEO and co-founder of clixifix®, describes the importance of supporting and working with local businesses, “To be able to help local businesses is part of our ethos, we understand the value of our software for SMEs in the North of England and being able to help them grow efficiently and effectively. Mode Home’s is a prime example of a growing business that required defect software to help manage the influx of customers.

“An obvious benefit of working with a local business is that there is improved communication not only online but being able to have constant face to face meetings is invaluable.”